Home / News / Fort Walton Beach Library fundraiser aims support children's programs

Fort Walton Beach Library fundraiser aims support children's programs

Nov 02, 2023Nov 02, 2023

Editor's note: This story has been revised to correct the spelling of Kimberly Ball's name

FORT WALTON BEACH — A local educator is trying to raise funds for the children's library at the Fort Walton Beach Library.

Bobbie Breaux teaches about 15 kids per week in a homeschool program based out of the library; while teaching, she noticed a growing need to help the space devoted to children.

"I saw that the children's library was asking for donations of craft supplies for their treasure box, and I want to help in any way that I can," Breaux said. "I am more than happy to supply them with anything that I can. I knew that me giving them a box of markers or construction paper was the least I could do."

As of Wednesday, she has raised $210 of her $500 goal.

The Fort Walton Beach Library gets operating funds from two primary sources, the first being the annual city budget.

In 2022-23, the library was grouped into Recreation and Cultural Services, which capped out at $5.51 million, or 9.7% of the budget. Those funds not only fund the library, they also support parks and recreation programs and facilities, senior activities, museums and golf courses.

In 2022, the library received $697,277, which was a 4.65% increase from the previous year. After wages are taken out, that leaves $302,297.

The library can also receive funds through grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Kimberly Ball, director of the Fort Walton Beach Library, said the funding from ILMS Grants is a pool given out to libraries across the state. Those funds are generated if Florida has a surplus of those funds to give out. In 2023, no surplus could be given out because of errors that were made when the state reported library information to the federal government.

Without the grant money, the library possibly goes without $10,000. According to Hall, the funds would have been used to start a LEGO robotics program.

"Bobbie mentioned rewards for kids for bringing their library cards and checking out items, which include a treasure chest," Ball said. "We are trying to create a young adult area and purchase end caps to move some shelving. We also wanted to create baby STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) kits."

Ball went on to say that they would like to start more storytime for kids in the early stages of learning development.

In September, the library will host the Emerald Coast Science Center as it restarts its Girls Empowered with Math and Science program to teach young women about their options within the science and engineering sector.

If you would like to donate to the Children's Library Fund in Fort Walton Beach, you can go to her GoFundMe at